
Pictures from the social capital conference in Jyväskylä (Photos: Helena Hurme)


Again pictures from the ISoCa conference (Photos: Helena Hurme)

Here are some more pictures from Savutuvan apaja, a restaurant consisting of old country houses. Mind you, the pictures are mostly taken without flash. This explains why they are a bit unsharp.

Happily the conference was held in the ultramodern Agora building. If not, the participants would have got a false picture of Finland:) . A buffet was served with typical Finnish food, for instance "ein Eintopf" with carrots (porkkanalaatikko in Finnish , the literal translation would be 'carrot box'!), one of the foods I never put into my mouth, perhaps after some bad experiences with aluminium pots as a child.


Still more pictures from the ISoCa conference (Photo: Helena Hurme)

More pictures from the ISoCA conference in Jyväskylä (Photos: Helean Hurme)